Monday, June 16, 2014

Vintage Purse & 3-Element Necklace

Good morning beautiful glitsies! It's Monday, and it's back to grinding. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Ours was just a bit unpredictable...
All photos taken by my handsome husband.

First, our A.C. unit caught on fire and we ended up without cool air all week long, and still don't have one yet. Don't forget this is Florida, the notorious state of Humidity, the capital state of The-Most-Frizzy-Hair, and finally but certainly not the least, the most Unannounced-Rain state. 

Secondly, I am literally going deaf by the day! My ears buzz all day long and give me a headache by mid-day. I have tiny ear canals, so every few years I have to go get them cleaned by an Otolaryngologist (say that three times in a row). A specialist who is strictly for ear, nose, and throat doctor...why you ask...because I am deaf! Because I have small ear canals, unlike almost every person I know, I can't use a q-tip to clean my ears, they are simply too big...that should give you an idea of how small my canals are...

Hope you all have a wonderful day! Hear, see, and breath in the beauty around you.

Let's Connect:

The post Vintage Purse & 3-Element Necklace first appeared on JuJu's Moments.


  1. Great items dear!


  2. Hi gorgeous, thank you!

    XOXO JuJu

  3. oh my that sounds awful! I hope you get ac soon - here it's getting above the 100's so I would be burning up if we didn't cool air!


    1. Thank God it doesn't get that hi here. The highest we get is around 92 with 100% humidity. Either way, it's the perfect excuse for beach time :)

      XOXO JuJu
