I absolutely loooooove going into different thrift/consignment shops and finding the perfect piece for such a ridiculous price!

All photos taken by my handsome husband.
I have to be honest, you would have caught me dead before seeing me in any consignment/thrift shop before. Now, I search out for those shops every time we're road tripping. I mean the thrill of finding something unique, antique, and vintage is such a wonderful pleasure. Now, my Chaldean family and friends that will read this will call me either 1) cheap and/or 2) nasty while everyone else might not care that I shop at these places.
Don't get it wrong, most of the Chaldean community just doesn't believe in shopping at such places and I was one of them for the longest time. I couldn't stand the fact that someone else had that product before me....talk about germs, deceases, and all kind of levels of nastiness. Yup, I couldn't stand it.
That all changed though! After looking for countless months for the perfect buffet and hutch for our Chinaware, my husband finally convinced me to look at thrift shops, consignment shops, and estate sales...what he said is just to "broaden our options." And you bet we found the coolest, most antique-est piece we've been longing for. It was at such a great price and such a wonderful brand. We researched the model and we found out that it was made in the 1960s and it costs approximately 5 times more than what we paid for....score!!!
Back to the title, I'm sorry for rambling about something else. Well, I found this Dressbarn top at Goodwill for $2.50!!!! Remember my other amazing find at Goodwill over HERE?!?!?!?!
Have a beautiful day glitsies and talk to you all on Friday, cheers!
Outfit Details:
Top: Dressbarn
Pants: BCBG (old)
Shoes: Forever21
Earrings: H&M

Let's Connect:
The post Thrift Shopping Jewels first appeared on JuJu's Moments.
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