Greece . Beautiful Greece. The home of beautiful people, delicious food, nude beaches, and jaw-dropping deliciously hot Gods and Goddesses.
I lived in Greece for 10 years and those years where some of my favorite moments ever - I will forever cherish those days as long as I live. God, I miss that place so much; I miss going through the markets and knowing the owners and their life story. I simply miss going to Acropolis (Ακρόπολη Αθηνών) and running through it, this was before they put up the fence. I miss my childhood best friend and talking about nonsense and our crush of the moment. I truly pray to see her again (I'm counting down the days for her to come to the States for her studies!!!)
Yesterday was the 23rd annual Greek Festival here at NW Florida and boy oh boy did I enjoy it. I felt almost back at "home." I almost cried from joy but I didn't, I didn't want to look like a fool. Oh and the folk dances...oh God, I'll stop here before I start crying and reminiscing again.

When you first walk in.

No more Gyro :'( super sad face
but I waited an extra minute and a lady brought out fresh ones....I think my stomach and mouth both saw Jesus and were dancing in heaven, yeah that good!

Have a beautiful Labor Day break and see you all on Wednesday, cheers glitsies!
P.S. before I forget, the September Wish List is up, check it out and tell me what have you been eyeing lately :)

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