I went out last night with some ladies to a wine bar; as tempted as I was, I skipped the wine for the night. You see, I love wine but I'm watching myself not to get in the habit of drinking wine all he time so my daughter doesn't grow up watching me drink. Now I know what you're thinking "But JuJu it's just wine!" I know it's just wine but it's a decision that I kind of got into subconsciously. I'm not saying that the mothers who do drink in front of their children are necessarily bad influence, all I'm saying is that for me I wouldn't like to drink in front of my daughter. This also doesn't mean that I am not going to drink from time to time and it might be in front of her; I'm simply saying that I am cutting back on the wine!
Anyway, take a look at yesterday's outfit. It's simple as it gets, but I dressed it up a little with some statement jewelry. As you can see, I still have quite a way to go before I am back to my original weight before pregnancy. I welcome you to join me on my journey of loosing the baby fat weight! I don't like my weight right now so this means a lot to me that I am able to share my image with all of you. Cheers!
All photos taken by my handsome husband.
The earrings were a gift from my aunt during my engagement (click HERE to see the Engagement post)
My husband got me the necklace from Africa; hand crafted in an African village to support mothers
The bangles were a gift as well
My wedding band and engagement ring were custom designed by the lovely Diamonds Forever (click HERE and Like their Facebook Page)

Let's Connect:
The post It's All About the Statement Jewelry first appeared on JuJu's Moments.
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